WOD – CrossFit Kids


Kids: December 12, 2019

Warm up:

Switch Sides:  Divide the group in half and line them up facing each other on opposite sides of the room.  Select a way to cross the space and call “switch!” to signal them to switch sides. Repeat with as many different movements as you can think of

Skill work: 

Repeated Jumps Drill:  Start with jump ropes laid out on the ground in a row.  Have the athletes practice making repeated quick jumps over them working on moving from one jump right into the next one.  Then move to low hurdles on the ground for them to quickly work on jumping over. Slowly raise the height, moving toward low boxes.  Emphasize landing and going right into the next jump rather than pausing for too long.



Station Rotation: 30 Seconds to a Minute at each station with a station of rest in between rounds.  3-4 Rounds.


T Push Ups

Box Jumps

Monkey Hangs