WOD – CrossFit Kids


Kids: September 25, 2013

So many ways to jump a rope...

So many ways to jump a rope…

Warm up:

3 Rounds

8 Squats

6 T- push ups

4 Release Monkey hangs

2 Handstand holds (5 sec)

Skill work:

Rack position relays


In teams of 3, stand at opposite cones spaced 10-15m apart (2 at one cone, one at the other)

Two team members at a time are performing as many reps as possible of the given movement at the cones while the third travels between the cones using the designated method.  Movements do not change until the Trainer calls out the new movement combo.

Squats: Roving plank

Jumping jacks: Lunge steps

Push ups: Crab walk

Lateral hops: Bear crawl

Stink Bugs: Frog Hops

Hold bottom of the squat: Run
