WOD – CrossFit Kids


Kids: May 1, 2014

The weather is thinking about getting warm enough for water games :)

The weather is thinking about getting warm enough for water games 🙂

Warm up:

AMRAP in 5 min of

5 Squats

5 Burpees

5 Knees to elbows

5  Handstand kick ups

Skill work:

“Slo-mo” Throw – Overhead pass


The class will be divided into 3-4 teams.  The first person on each team completes the following.  Once they are finished they will pass the ball off the the next person.  Repeat AMRAP style for a given amount of time.  While waiting for their turn, the rest of the team will complete 5 push ups.  

Overhead throw to wall

Run and retrieve the ball

15m Walking Lunge with the ball overhead
