Wednesday, 4 January, 2017

Chris fighting hard to move the weight.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Tabata Jump Rope Drill Set #1
2 Rounds
10 Lateral Lunges
10 Kip Swings
10 Overhead Squats with PVC
10 second Handstand Hold Facing Wall
30 second Pigeon stretch/side
Skill and Build Up:
Power Clean Progression
2 Rounds
3-5 Overhead Squats
15 Double Unders or 10 Attempts
3-5 Pull-ups or scaling variation
3-5 Power Cleans
3-5 Handstand Push-ups or scaling variation
Complete as many reps as possible in 12min:
60 Overhead Squats (95lbs/65lbs)
50 Double unders
40 Pull-ups
30 Power cleans (135lbs/95lbs)
20 Handstand push-ups
Cool Down:
60 seconds banded lat stretch, right
25 Abmat Sit-ups
60 seconds banded lat stretch, left
25 Abmat Sit-ups
60 seconds couch stretch per side
159- 55#/75#