Tuesday, 9 January, 2018

The January Member of the Month is Martin McHugh, 45
Where are you from– Walworth, WI
Occupations– When he’s not jet setting the world as a male model, Marty is business owner locally (Coffee Trader) and in TX
How long CrossFitting– 2008
What brought you in— his wife Alexia suggested he try it as his daughters were already coming to the gym
How did you feel after your first WOD– Terrible
Fav WOD/movement– “Annie”/Squats
Least fav WOD/movement– “Fight Gone Bad”/running for distance for time
Background (athletics)– Football in high school and rugby at CU
Biggest reservation prior to joining– He didn’t think he’d be able to do it
Food– Tries to eat healthy and watch portions, making sure he gets a balanced meal
Favorite guilty pleasure– Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
Biggest change you experienced since joining Agoge– He feels better physically, he feels better about himself, and it’s helped him maintain an easy going manner
Goals– To do it all, improve upon Muscle Ups
What advice would you give someone on the fence about starting crossfit– Just do it, you’ll be glad you did it, if you can get through the first week you can make it
New Coffee Trader location opening— Hopefully the 9th of January 😊
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Tabata Jump Rope
Crossfit Warm Up
Overhead Tissue Smash, 90 sec each
Lax Ball First Rib Mobility, 90 sec each
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes Perform:
7 Burpees
Max Double Unders
Midline Fun
10 Dragonflies, 10 Round the Worlds (5 each direction)
3×30 sec Superman hold on GHD (hold a plate for an extra challenge)
255, probably should have pushed the double unders a bit more.
Weightlifting- 1 RM back squat – I used straight bar: 175#, 10# pr.