Saturday, September 12, 2009


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Workout in the Park!

We are meeting at the picnic Gazebo today at 9 AM. (Not the one in the middle of the pond by the baseball fields, the one by the bridge over the river)

3 Rounds:
5 Dumbell snatches Right arm
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Pistols Right leg
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Right arm barbell push press
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Turkish Getups Right arm
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Dumbell snatches Left arm
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Pistols Left leg
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Left arm barbell push press
3 Ring Pull ups
5 Turkish Getups Left arm
3 Ring Pull ups

A different lift will be performed at each side of the gazebo. Once you have completed 5 reps of your lift, move to the center to do your pull ups. Then rotate to the next station and repeat 3 times around the gazebo, finishing where you started.