Saturday, 4 February, 2017

Sir James deep in thought.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up
3 Minutes of Row, Run, Bike or Jump
10 Scap Pull-ups
20 Dynamic Hamstring Stretch (10/side)
20 Scap Push-ups
30 second samson stretch/leg
Swing Drills 2×5
Beat Swing Stops 2×3 for 1’s (3 swings, 1 pull, 3 swings, stop)
2x(2×2 for 1’s): 2 swings, Pull, 2 Swings, Pull, Swing and Stop
*For the 2nd and 3rd parts: These are timing drills, if the athlete can’t get the chin over the bar have them pull as high as they are able to and focus on going back into a swing after the pull.
Partner Synchro Workout
As a team of two,complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes:
21 Deadlifts (185/135)
42 Walking lunges
63 Single unders
*For this workout, the deadlifts and lunges must be synchronized where both partners perform the prescribed repetitions. *The single unders must be completed by both partners prior to starting the next round (doesn’t need to be synchronized).
Cool Down
Calf Stretch or barbell calf smash, 90 seconds per side