Saturday, 25 March, 2017

It’s funny how uncanny the workouts of the Open follow. While Kelli was on bands for this WOD, she was able to hit a bunch of bar muscle ups in the following Open workout… Very cool.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Running Warm Up
In 3 Person Teams
As Many Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
Max Reps Power Snatch (115/75)
Max Reps Burpees
400 M run with Med Ball Belly Carry
Partner #1 will run with the med ball. Partner 2 will snatch and 3 will burpee. When partner #1 returns, the team will all shift forward one position.
Cool Down:
Calf Smash (2 Minutes Each)
Yippie!!! Fun times, on to new and different challenges now that the Open is over …. after I regain the use of my calves