Saturday, 17 June, 2017

The very last workout at our very first gym. In case you didn’t know where we started, it was inside a 300 square foot garage. When it rained, we worked in the rain. When it snowed, we worked in the snow. When people had to barf, they hit up our neighbors bushes. A lot of memories, a lot of stories, a lot of blood, sweat and tears… But more than anything, a lot of new friends.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Running Warm Up
2 Rounds of:
7 Dumbbell Front Squats
7 Dumbbell Snatch Right Arm
7 Push Ups
7 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm
For time:
Run 1 Mile
75 Thrusters (75/ 55)
75 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
75 Dips
Run 1 Mile
I barfed in said bushes. Your next door neighbor (our pastor) used to wonder what the heck we were doing at 6am. Good times! 😉
50:19, rx, ring dips
I really wished there had been some bushes in the gym today…..