Saturday, 17 January, 2015
Workout of the Day:
Partner Workout:
Complete the following for time:
Buddy Carry 30 Yards
50 Squats Each
Buddy Carry 30 Yards
Row 50 calories (total)
Buddy Drag 30 Yards
50 Burpees Each
Buddy Drag 30 Yards
50 Dips (total)
Wheel Barrow Walk 30 Yards
50 Grass Hoppers Each
Wheel Barrow 30 Yards
50 Dumbell Squat Cleans (t0tal)
partnered with Kristin. 24:57, subbed bear crawls for wheel barrow walks, and banded bar dips. 20# DBSC. I think I accidentally only did 25 grasshoppers instead of 50, so I owe 25 more. 😉 Great job partner!