13 Sep /1 Comments/WOD Saturday, 14 September, 2013 Sarah N throwing down during the Hotshot 19 WOD. Workout of the Day: Alternating Tabata of: Wall Ball Push Press (75/ 55)
Kelli September 14, 2013 at 12:18 pm went for a run; pause bench 50%x3x3, 60%x3x3, 70%x3x3 each with 3sec pause- ,55#, 65#, 75#; DB rows, 50 each, 25#; hang squat cleans 90#x8
went for a run; pause bench 50%x3x3, 60%x3x3, 70%x3x3 each with 3sec pause- ,55#, 65#, 75#; DB rows, 50 each, 25#; hang squat cleans 90#x8