Saturday, 12 November, 2016
Workout of the Day:
3 Minutes- Row, Bike, Jog, Run, Jump Rope
2 Rounds
1 minute band shoulder stretch: right
5 Muscle up transitions feet on ground
1 minute band shoulder stretch, left
10 DB Push Press- light
Skill Work:
Bar Complex 1
3 Sets- Perform a set every 2 minutes
3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Butterfly or Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups
In a team of 2:
Partner 1: 1000 meter Row Partner
2: 1000 meter Row
Partner 1: Dumbbell “Tabata” Push Press (40lbs/25lbs each)
Partner 2: Dumbbell “Tabata” Push Press (40lbs/25lbs each)
Both partners as a team: 50 Muscle-ups
Cool Down:
Upper back roll with plate, 90 seconds