Monday, 28 November, 2016


Monday, 28 November, 2016

Yay elevated foot push ups!

Yay elevated foot push ups!

Workout of the Day:


2 Rounds

Row or Bike 1 minute

10 Banded Arm Swings/side

10 Scap Pull-ups

20 seconds Hollow Hold

20 seconds Superman Hold

30 seconds Samson Stretch/side

Part 1:

2 Sets:

3 Weighted Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

3 Strict Pull-ups

*Try to complete without dropping from the pull-up bar. Rest as needed between sets.

Part 2:

EMOM 20 minutes

Odd- 7 Toes to Bar 14 Burpees

Even- 21 Russian KB Swings (70/55)

Cool Down:

Kneeling forearm stretch, 90 seconds

Banded shoulder stretch, 90 seconds per side



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