Monday, 20 July, 2015


Monday, 20 July, 2015

Some Mondays are just like that...

Some Mondays are just like that…

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

Jog 400 M

20 Bandy Good Mornings

20 Dumbell Push Press

15 Kipping Swings

15 Squats

10 Box Jumps

10 Toes to Bar


As Partners, Complete the following:

Partner 1: Row 30 Cal

Partner 2: As Many KB swings as Possible


Partner 1: 50 Double Unders

Partner 2: As many Thrusters (45/ 35) as Possible


Partner 1: Run 400 M

Partner 2: As Many Pull Ups as Possible


Score by subtracting one rep of completed movement per second from the total time.

1 Response

  1. kelli

    13:20- solo, did “partner ” to determine my work time. Subbed ring rows, 35# Russian swings and 15# thrusters. Slow, slow, super tired from this weekend. Deceptively challenging. 🙂