Monday, 12 March, 2018

Bruno is back in the gym and feeling better. It is good to have him back.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
7 min AMRAP:
5 reps first 6 movements of CF Warm Up
T-Spine Double LAX Ball Smash Extension
3 reps each with Barbell:
Muscle Snatch from Mid Shin
Snatch Land
Power Snatch from Mid Shin
Snatch Drop
Squat Snatch from Mid Shin
Every Minute on the Minute for 9 Minutes
Minute 1-3 1@ 80%
Minutes 4-6 1 @ 85%
Minutes 7-9 1 @ 90 %
Then Drop to 75/55 and perform the following
As Many Reps in 8 Minutes, ascending by 1s of:
Snatch Balance
Overhead Lunge Steps (each leg)
Hang Power Snatch
Cool Down:
Barbell Trap Smash
Barbell Quad Smash