Friday, 4 July, 2014
Workout of the Day:
“Fight Gone Bad”
Perform as many reps as possible 3 Five minute rounds, spending one minute of each round at each exercise. Rest 1 minute between rounds:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/ 55)
Box Jumps (20 for everyone)
Wall Ball
Push Press (75/ 55)
Row for Calories
Dan is always serious when it comes to solving problems 😉
Fight Gone Sideways- 486. Subbed 55# GM for SDHP, Bar only BS for WB, left arm only KB swings 20# for PP, and Double Unders for Row. Thanks KB for helping me come up with alternate movements. Happy Independence Day!
206. My fight went bad at the end. Oy. Fun WOD, though. 🙂