Friday, 20 December, 2013


Friday, 20 December, 2013

Steve S wandered back into the weightlifting class last week and has managed to stick it out for a few classes.  He is already fleet of foot, what will happen if he can add strength too?

Steve S wandered back into the weightlifting class last week and has managed to stick it out for a few classes. He is already fleet of foot, what will happen if he can add strength too?

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

Row 20 Calories

20 Sit Ups

20 Bandy Good Mornings

20 Hip Circle Side Steps

20 Squats

20 Kettle Bell Swings (light to eye level)

20 Box Step Ups

20 Push Ups


5 Rounds for Time of:

9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)

7 Kettle Bell Swings

5 Burpees


5 Rope Climbs as fast as possible

4 Responses

  1. joe c

    Tampa WOD at CF en Fuego today too: run 1.5 mi, then row 500m. 9:01 for run, 1:43 for row. Humid and sticky down here, but i’m kinda digging the shorts and T-shirt weather!

  2. Chad

    4:10 and 0:57(rope) – Great Job to the 6am class. Today’s burpees bumped my yearly total over 2000. Heading to North East Oregon for a week. Have a Merry Christmas!