Friday, 16 December, 2016

Workout of the Day:
1) Rowing Challenge Game:
In teams of 2. Row to 1000 meters for time alternating 100 meters intervals. You must stop exactly on 100 meters each interval, for every meter you stop below or above the 100 meter mark, you and your partner have to do that many burpees before the next person can start the row (example if the monitor stops at 97 or 103 meters, you and your partner need to do 3 burpees before continuing). The score is total time to completion. Cap this at 8 minutes, a good challenge is sub 5 minutes.
2) 2 Rounds
30 Second plank
15 Band Pull Aparts
15 Band Good Mornings
10 Pass Throughs
10 Wide Stance Squats
Power Clean Progression
5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
8 Burpee Pull-ups
4 Rounds NFT
5 Clean Grip Sotts Press (very light weight or PVC)
10 second L-Sit or Tuck L-Sit
15 second Ring Support Hold