Monday, 16 September, 2013
Workout of the Day:
Bilateral Shoulder Flexion (3 Min, Pg 259)
Glute Smash and Floss (2 Min Each, Pg 300)
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds perform:
200 M run
Then As Many Rounds as Possible of:
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/ 55)
7 Box Jumps
14 + 9 (30′ BOX) – Great Job to the Guinea Pigs(6 am Crew) this morning! Round 4 was the toughest to push through!
9 rounds +2 SDHP (24″)
I love everyone, but the 6am crew has a special place in my heart. 🙂
7+9 (16?” box) I find myself needing to start over on box jumps. Better that I think than just step ups.
Just made up a math problem for my 7th graders. 2 + 14 x 7 (2 box jumps plus fourteen rounds of 7 box jumps). The answer is not 112.
Is it 100?!?
order of operations anybody????
weightlifting: inclined press vs chains, 3RM- 55#x3+chains, 60# x2+2 chains; strict pull ups 3xAMAP- 8, 8, 6; rolling tris 3×25@15#, 10#, 10#; MC Hammer curls 15#x65
Correct. 100 box jumps. Multiplication before addition!!