Pre-K: February 22, 2018


Pre-K: February 22, 2018

Skill work:

Slo mo throw:  Move through the phases of the double overhand throw (wind up – step – throw – follow through) slowly and segmentally and then smoothly in slow motion.  

Warm up:

Steve Says: Set up a circle of cones in the middle of the room and kids start the game by running around the cones.  At the call “FREEZE!”, everyone stops and then a location and movement are called out.  The kids go to that location in the room and perform the stated repetitions of the movement.  When they are done they resume running around the cones. Repeat as desired.


CrossFit Darts: Set three targets some distance from a cone (wall ball targets work well). From each cone, athletes attempt to hit the target.   

Do 2 burpees before moving on to the next target and repeat as time allows.
