Our new Roommates upstairs


Our new Roommates upstairs

We are excited to announce that Necessary Payne & Bang Muay Thai Montrose have moved into our upstairs rooms!

What this means for you:

  1. We have kickboxing classes for all ages available in house.  We encourage you to check it out!
  2. The “playroom” is no longer an option for your kids while you work out.  Kids may still sit on the balcony so they can see (and be seen) or they may wait in the front area.  We are working on creating more obvious physical boundaries, but for the time being, please discuss the importance of respecting their workspace with your kiddos.
  3. Chelsey will be working with some personal training clients in the main gym from time to time.  Please make them feel welcome and we will work together to make sure everyone has the space they need.

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