Friday, 1 December, 2017


Friday, 1 December, 2017

The December member of the Month is Darcy Sella, 46
Where are you from– New Jersey, came here following her husband (boyfriend at the time) who wanted to snowmobile
Occupations– Office Manager at TUFF Coat Manufacturing and Sales
How long CrossFitting– 8 years
What brought you in–Her hairdresser convinced her to start, which Darcy did at Hypoxia in Ouray, and eventually she her way to Agoge
How did you feel after your first WOD– I hurt ( WOD was 400m of lunge steps)
Fav WOD/movement– GHD Sit Ups
Least fav WOD/movement– “Fran”
Background (athletics)– Softball
Biggest reservation prior to joining– Nothing
Food–Balanced meals with protein and vegetables, no processed food
Favorite guilty pleasure– Beer and pizza
Biggest change you experienced since joining Agoge– She’a gotten so much stronger and agile, with greater endurance
Goals– Muscle Ups (again) and have them stay!
What advice would you give someone on the fence about starting crossfit– Just give it a try, none of us are Games athletes and the trainers will scale appropriately
What was it like competing at Regionals?- “l loved it! I don’t like being the center of attention, but being on a team was so much fun and I would love to do it again.”

Workout of the Day:

Warm Up:

Tabata Jump Rope

Joint Prep Routine

30 seconds each of: BB Front Squat, Sit Ups, BB Push Press


Sand Bag Carry Practice


4 Rounds for time of:

10 Thrusters (75/ 55)

10 GHD Sit Ups

90’ Sand Bag Carry

Weakness work:

Spend 10 Minutes working on a weakness