Kids: July 10, 2017
Warm up:
3 Rounds
10yds Bear crawl -> 10 yds Lunge walk -> 10 yds Roving plank -> 10 yds Broad jumps
Skill work:
Headers: Athlete stands while the trainer holds a foam dodgeball a few inches above his or her head. On the command “Go!”, the athlete performs the dip and drive of a push press and attempts to bounce the ball directly up in the air off the top of his/her head (versus forward as you would in a soccer game).
Rock around the clock: Set up 12 cones in a large circle to represent the face of a clock. Athletes perform the designated number of reps of the established movement at each cone.
Odds: Squat
Evens: Push press
Each time an athlete completes the push presses at 12 o’clock, do three burpees before starting again at 1 o’clock