Thursday, 26 January, 2017


Thursday, 26 January, 2017

Row, Row, Row your boat!

Row, Row, Row your boat!

Workout of the Day:

Warm Up:

Partner Med Ball Warm-up

Handstand Push-up Prep

Hands on box shoulder stretch, 60 seconds per side

2×20 seconds – Alternating single arm reach pressing into wall

2×20 seconds- Press into wall in hollow position

2×20 seconds- Handstand Hold Facing Wall.

If this is easy attempt to take one or both feet off the wall *rest 20-40 seconds between efforts


Medball Clean


For time:

Row 1k or Bike 3k

75 Double Unders

50 Medball Cleans (20/14)

75 Double Unders

25 Handstand Push-ups

75 Double Unders

Cool  Down:

KB farmers hold 3×45 seconds

Couch Stretch (90 sec each)