Wednesday, 18 January, 2017


Wednesday, 18 January, 2017

This is no New Years Resolution.  This is life and we are invested in lifestyle changes, not for now, but forever.

This is no New Years Resolution. This is life and we are invested in lifestyle changes, not for now, but forever.

Workout of the Day:

Warm Up:

5 minutes: row, bike, jog, or jump rope. Increase pacing each minute

2 Rounds

30 second hands on box shoulder Stretch

10 Sprinter hammy to samson

10 DB single arm OH lunge walk

10 Spiderman

15 Banded arm swings/side


Pull Up Progression


AMRAP 20 Minutes

25 Foot Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65)

8 Bar Facing Burpees

25 Foot Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65)

8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Cool Down:

Lacrosse ball Pec Smash (90 Seconds each)

Side Hip Smash (90 Seconds each)

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