Saturday, 14 January, 2017
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
5 Minutes: Row, Bike, Jog, Jump Rope or any mix all all those options
2) 2 Rounds 10 Lateral Lunges (5/side)
10 Lying Dynamic Hamstring Stretches (5/side)
30 Seconds/side PVC Mobility
15 KB Swing (light)
10 Goblet Squats
Thruster Progression
Partner WOD:
AMRAP 20 Minutes
70 Thrusters (95/65)
60 Thrusters (135/85)
50 Thrusters (165/115)
40 Thrusters (185/135)
30 Thrusters (205/145)
AMRAP Thrusters 225/155
*Divide the reps in any manner
Cool Down:
5 Minutes: Bike, row, jog, jump rope easy