Friday, 3 April, 2015
Workout of the Day:
Every Minute on the Minute:
1 Shuttle Run
3 Thrusters (95/ 65)
3 Bar Facing Burpees
Go at the top of every minute. If you make it through the 10th minute, add one rep to the thrusters and burpees for each minute until you fail to get all of the required reps in the designated time.
Muscle Up Skill work:
Advanced: Perform 5 rounds of 3 muscle ups with no more than 1 minute of rest between sets
Intermediate: Perform either 15 muscle ups at your own pace or 30 bandy superman sit ups
Beginner: Perform 20 False Grip Ring Rows and 20 Transition drills of your choice
Great classes today. Did my usually bike WOD with some hollow holds for midline. I hope everyone has a great weekend (Happy Easter if you celebrate) and a safe remainder of Spring Break!