Pre-K: November 21, 2017


Pre-K: November 21, 2017

Skill work:

Heel balance drill: Standing with toes hanging off a plate, perform an air squat.  Try to keep toes off the ground!  Increase the challenge by moving more of the foot off the edge of the plate until it is at the mid foot.

Warm up:

Sorta Tabata: Pick 8 movements that can be done for 10 sec each without equipment and rotate through them, 10 sec move / 10 sec rest.


Stand in a circle and complete AMRAP in a given amount of time of the following movements

Dodgeball Deadlift  -> “Granny toss” to your neighbor 3x around the circle

Crazy run around the cones

Dodgeball Front Squat -> Chest pass to your neighbor 3x around the circle

Crazy run around the cones
